
◆山梨のカントリーガールだった時代 その2


I was born and raised in the countryside.

This was because my father'sdream was to take part in the 1976 Montreal Olympics in Canda, in the three-day equestrain events, and he was working at this huge riding club in Yamanashi.

Back then, the road from my house to the riding club wasn't even paved.

And I had to walk close to two hours just to get to my elementary school.

Now you know what a country girl I am!


take part in.. …に参加する

three-day equestrain events 総合馬術(オリンピック公式種技の一つ。3日間で馬術を競う)

huge とても大きな

riding club 乗馬クラブ

back then その当時

pave 舗装する

close to... およそ…(=almost)

elementary school 小学校




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